Installing the License Reporting Tool

The License Reporting Tool (LRT) includes various reports. To run the reports, you must install it using the instructions below.


LRT requires the following on the Automation Engine system:

Installation Steps (Windows)

  1. Download the LRT tool from the Automic Download Center.
  2. Extract it to a suitable LRT sub-directory, such as C:\Automic\Tools\LRT.
  3. Extract a copy of the .jar file for your downloaded JDBC driver to the folder \cli\windows\bin\lib (for example, C:\Automic\Tools\LRT\cli\windows\bin\lib).
  4. Adapt the settings in the [JDBC] section of \cli\windows\bin\lrt.ini file and optionally any of the other settings.
  5. Sections and parameters of the lrt.ini file are described in Configuring the License Reporting Tool.

  6. Open a cmd prompt, navigate to your \cli\windows\bin sub-directory and start LRT with java -jar lrt.jar to view the command line usage screen.
  7. All further options are described in Using the License Reporting Tool.

Installation Steps (UNIX)

  1. Download the LRT tool from the Automic Download Center.
  2. Extract and transfer them to a suitable LRT sub-directory, such as /Automic/Tools/LRT.
  3. Navigate to your /cli/unix sub-directory and unpack the license_usage_reporting_tool.tar.gz file using: 
  4. gzip -d license_usage_reporting_tool.tar.gz

    tar xvf license_usage_reporting_tool.tar


    tar -zxvf license_usage_reporting_tool.tar.gz

  5. Extract a copy of the .jar file for your downloaded JDBC driver to the sub-directory /cli/unix/bin/lib (for example, /Automic/Tools/LRT/cli/unix/bin/lib).
  6. Adapt the settings in the [JDBC] section of /cli/unix/bin/lrt.ini file and optionally any of the other settings.
  7. Sections and parameters of the lrt.ini file are described in Configuring the License Reporting Tool.

  8. Navigate to your /cli/unix/bin sub-directory and start LRT with java -jar lrt.jar to view the command line usage screen.
  9. All further options are described in Using the License Reporting Tool.